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AUT Amnesty

Social Impact, All

Amnesty International is a global movement of over 7 million people in more than 150 countries working together to protect and promote human rights. We call out injustice and stand for human dignity.
Our Amnesty Community is made up of Amnesty Advocates, dedicated individuals who work together to drive forward our fight for rights.
By becoming a part of AUT Amnesty, you’ll be networked with New Zealanders around the country who are freeing people wrongfully imprisoned, welcoming refugees, keeping weapons out of war zones, ending the death penalty, stopping child labour and holding human rights violators to account.

Contact us

(09) 941 9308    

City Campus (WC202):

Mon-Thurs: 9am-5pm, Fri: 9am-4pm

South Campus (ME109):

Mon-Fri: 9am-3pm

North Campus (AN101a):

Monday - Friday 9:30-5pm


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