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 Statement in Support of Ceasefire 

17 June 2024

 Tēnā koutou katoa, 

Following AUTSA's statement in October 2023, AUTSA unequivocally supports efforts towards a ceasefire and ending the genocide occurring in Palestine. 

The ongoing violence has resulted in immense loss of life and widespread violations of human rights, impacting not only the region but resonating deeply within our hearts here in Aotearoa.


AUTSA does not tolerate discrimination and violence and condemns the ill-treatment of any students of any ethnicity, faith or otherwise.

We continue to support our students that have engaged in expressing their views; and believe in the principles of free speech, constructive dialogue, and empathy as essential components of addressing complex issues. 

We urge community and political leaders to prioritise action towards an immediate ceasefire and renewed efforts towards a just and lasting resolution to this conflict. 

AUTSA is committed to supporting all students, regardless of their views towards the current situation, therefore we want to remind all students that there are support services available. Please make use of the AUTSA Advocacy, AUT Counselling and Mental Health Supports services, community groups, and/or text 1737. 

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. 

 Statement from AUTSA

27 October 2023

AUTSA remains steadfast in our belief that the rights and mana of all individuals, regardless of their background, should be protected and upheld. We call for the urgent need for the global community to address and rectify the continued violations of human rights, the loss of life, deprivation, and the suffering of countless individuals in Palestine and Israel. 


We stand in solidarity with the innocent victims who have suffered immeasurably from this unjustifiable violence, and we extend our heartfelt condolences to those who have lost loved ones. It is particularly disheartening to witness the violence targeting numerous children, who should be shielded from harm and nurtured towards a brighter future. 


AUTSA is deeply committed to supporting and advocating for initiatives aimed at achieving a just and peaceful resolution. Justice is the seed, and peace is the flower.


We call for an immediate end to the violence, the safeguarding of basic human rights, and the pursuit of lasting peace. We believe in a world where all people can live in dignity, free from fear, and we are determined to contribute to the realisation of this vision. 


We firmly believe that the road to peace begins with standing in solidarity with those in need and collectively working towards a future where the rights and well-being of all are valued and respected. 


AUTSA acknowledges that even if a student is not personally affected by what has happened in Palestine and Israel, the emotional and mental health effects of witnessing the violence and disregard for humanity are immense. We want to remind all students that there are supports available to help. Please make use of the AUT Counselling and Mental Health Supports, community groups, and/or text 1737. AUTSA is here to help, so reach out to us, too. 

Statement from AUTSA

9 March 2023

Here at AUTSA, we believe in creating an environment where every student feels supported, included, and respected, regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, or spiritual beliefs. We understand that each student's journey is unique, and we strive to create a safe and inclusive space that celebrates diversity and promotes equity.


We understand that navigating university can be challenging, and we are committed to providing a supportive network for all students. Our initiatives, events, and services cater to a wide range of interests and needs, including student communities and social events. We are dedicated to creating a vibrant and inclusive community that empowers every student to thrive, and we work tirelessly to ensure that this is the case.


Here at AUTSA, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination, including slander or bigotry, towards any individual or group. We recognise that creating a safe and inclusive space requires a conscious effort to combat harmful attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate discrimination and prejudice. Therefore, we actively work to educate our students and staff about issues related to diversity and inclusivity. We encourage open dialogue and respectful communication that values different perspectives and opinions. Our ultimate goal is to foster a community where all students feel supported, heard, and valued, and where everyone can thrive regardless of their background or identity.


In summary, we are committed to creating a safe and supportive space for everyone.

Statement - Max Abbott Case

Letter to Vice Chancellor - 9 June 2020

AUTSA would like to express our concern about the recent decision to allow Max

Abbotf to remain his role as Professor whilst there is an ongoing investigation into


allegations of sexual harassment.

Several students have expressed to us that they feel unsafe knowing Mr Abbott will

presumably remain in contact with students in his Professorial role. Both our AUTSA

staff and SRC share their sentiments.

In a recent communique from Vice-Chancellor Derek McCormack, he stated that

"AUT remains committed to zero tolerance of sexual harassment and to full, fair and

proper responses to all allegations of it according to our values of pono/respect,

tika/integrity and aroha/compassion and our comprehensive policies and procedures

for dealing with harassment".

AUTSA has zero tolerance for sexual harassment and would respectfully suggest

that the current response is inadequate. We request that Mr Abbott be stood down

from all his roles at AUT on full pay until the investigation is concluded and

subsequent actions taken. This is standard procedure in many prominent NZ

organisations, and is as much about the safety of the accused as it is about the

safety of those around him/her.

Please take time to consider this request and let us know your response by COB

Friday this week.

Nga mihi nui

Signed: Sisisfa Lui, AUTSA President

Will Watterson, AUTSA General Manager

AUTSA SRC Statement
on AUT Strikes

7 October 2022

Kia ora e te whānau and Bula Vinaka,


AUTSA, your student association, stands in solidarity with the staff of AUT who have chosen to strike. Lecturers, academics, and staff from all walks of Aotearoa’s tertiary industry are calling for better pay and working conditions for themselves and their peers. Despite the impacts that striking can have on our students, we understand that these will be necessary for staff to continue delivering excellent educational outcomes for our students.


We hope that following these strikes, the Tertiary Education Union will come to an agreement with AUT to find a fair and equitable agreement that benefits both sides of the table. As further strikes have not been ruled out as of this moment, we encourage AUT to hear the union out and come to a mutually beneficial understanding.


Our priority will forever be our students’ needs and well-being; however, we cannot have education without our educators.


Nga manaakitanga ki a koutou,

Your Student Association

AUTSA Stands with AUT
Postgraduate Students

6 December 2022

Postgraduate students have voiced concerns about the effects of supervisor redundancies recently announced at AUT.  


AUTSA recognises the unique experience of postgraduate students and understands that these students are experiencing a difficult time due to the uncertainty of who will supervise their studies and the lack of transparent communication from AUT regarding the next steps of this transition.  


To our PG students, we know the redundancies have seriously impacted your well-being. We are working to ensure AUT addresses your concerns and shares information more openly with you.  We also acknowledge the emotional aspects of having to say good-bye to supervisors, research team members, and friends you have made during your studies. Please know that we understand this is multi-faceted and we are working to make your voices heard.  


These are the recommendations we made recently to AUT, and its leadership team based on the student voices we heard: 

  1. Students should not suffer financially if they move institutions due to their supervisor being terminated by AUT. For example, we have many students coming to AUT for their supervisor's specific expertise; what will the university do to support them and help them finish their PG studies? 

  2. AUT needs to send an immediate email to all PG students with all pertinent information while also having an email contact for students to connect and seek advice/help. 

  3. There should be a fees-free extension for students impacted by supervisors' redundancies.  

  4. Communication plans should consider video and the option for students to meet face-to-face with AUT support to navigate this transition. 

If you have not already shared your concerns with AUTSA Advocacy at, we encourage you to do so, so that we may include your voice and perspective in our communications with AUT. Please note that AUTSA Advocacy is a confidential service that is independent of AUT, and we will only share your information with your permission or anonymously.  


Your student voice, 


Statement: Government Support for Tertiary Students 

May 25 2020

Tēnā koutou,

As the student leaders of Auckland University of Technology Students’ Association

(AUTSA), we represent over 28,000 students from a diversity of backgrounds,

cultures and fields of study. All of whom have been affected by the ongoing Covid-19

crisis, to one degree or another.

Firstly, we would like to acknowledge and thank the New Zealand government, and

political leaders of all colours, for your leadership and message of unity and

compassion in this difficult time. We truly are all in this together.

We would like to bring to your attention the concerns facing our students, relating to

the financial support available. Whilst we are truly grateful for the increase in

StudyLink funding in the Tertiary Student Support Package, we also acknowledge

that this package is both a loan and insufficient.

StudyLink alone is rarely sufficient to cover a student’s living costs; many of our

students would expect to take on part-time employment to help fund their studies. A

result of the economic impact of Covid-19 is many of these employment options are

no longer available.

For our domestic students the result is a harsh choice between continuing to

struggle, incurring increased debt as a result, or discontinuing our studies and

seeking the more generous benefits from WINZ. Our students from overseas face

the cruel reality that there is no safety net for them.

Students from less advantaged backgrounds already find undertaking tertiary

education to be a tough choice between financial security and further education. The

pressure caused by this crisis, is serving to drive this group away from tertiary


Unfortunately, these socio-economic factors disproportionately affect our Maori and

Pasifika students. At AUTSA we strongly believe that access to tertiary education is

the path to greater equality and a more prosperous society for all.

Whilst we understand that many students may take a break in their studies, returning

in future under a more favourable economic circumstance, tertiary education

capacity is not unlimited. For every 100 students who defer now, there will be 100

less places for the next generation.

We are aware that the country subsidises the education costs for our domestic

students, and as such it costs more to support us in education than support to us on

WINZ. However, as a country we need to ensure that we have a skilled and

educated workforce to lead us out of this time of crisis, we must take action now to

avoid a future skills shortage.

There are many options available for Aotearoa to support our student community;

from direct funding models such as the student grants previous generations

benefited from; to supporting tertiary education providers current financial hardship


As the current students of New Zealand, we ask you now to invest in the future.

Supporting our diverse student community is supporting a diverse and equitable

future for the country. We ask the Government to provide a prompt and easily

accessed financial support package for tertiary students studying in New Zealand.

This support package should:

• Not be in the form of a loan -the future of our nation should not be mortgaged


• Be supportive of our international students as well as domestic students - our

strength lies in our diversity.

• Be equitable – education is the great equaliser, and must remain accessible to all,

regardless of their socio-economic, cultural or geographic background.

As the students of today we implore you to enable us to grow into the leaders of


Ngā mihi nui

Sisifa Lui, AUTSA President

On behalf of the students of Auckland University of Technology

AUTSA Statement on Student Accommodation

May 4 2020

Kia ora, AUTSA has heard concerns from our students in university accommodation, reflecting the financial pressure being placed on all of our students, whether living at home, in private rentals or university accommodation.


Your student representatives have brought these concerns to AUT, specifically to ask what AUT can do to support our students at this time. We are listening and we will continue to listen, so please send us your opinions and feedback.


AUT residential villages remain open, with increased service and support including free meals to residents who chose to stay on-site during the lockdown period. In addition to ensuring those remaining in university accommodation are catered for, AUT has offered students who do not wish to continue staying in accommodation with the option to cancel their contracts early.


I’ve gone home temporarily but what financial support can I get?

For those who are temporarily away from the accommodation, unable to return until the alert level lowers, AUT has issued a $60 per week discount for utilities to be credited to accounts this week Additionally, an AUT student financial assistance fund is available for any students facing financial challenges.


How do I apply for financial assistance?

Need assistance with urgent unpaid bills, rent, equipment or food? You can apply for AUT’s Hardship Fund by clicking the following link and filling out the COVID-19 Student Support Form:


Going through some personal stuff that’s affecting your wellbeing or your ability to study and do well academically?

AUTSA continues to provide our Advocacy Team who are available to help you with these applications. If your wellbeing, accommodation or employment has been impacted recently, then please contact us at


Find out more info on Student Accommodation via AUT’s FAQ’s website for students:


We understand that these are challenging times for all our students, and in addition to working with AUT to ensure support for those in university accommodation, we will be petitioning the government to ensure there is sufficient support for all our students.


Ngā mihi nui,


Sisifa Lui, AUTSA President and your Student Representatives

Please don't hesitate to contact AUTSA for assistance. Email us:

Contact us

(09) 941 9308    

City Campus (WC202):

Mon-Thurs: 9am-5pm, Fri: 9am-4pm

South Campus (ME109):

Mon-Fri: 9am-3pm

North Campus (AN101a):

Monday - Friday 9:30-5pm


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